Nemo is responsible for the business and technology strategy of the company, and leads its execution.
Nemo has been in the telecommunications industry
for a decade. Prior to co-founding Invisible Hand Networks, he worked
at Bellcore (Telcordia Technologies), Bell Laboratories (Lucent
Technologies), INRS-Telecom, Intelsat, and served as a consultant to
the United Nations on data networking. His theoretical work on spot
and derivative market mechanisms for networked resources led to
filing several patents on related algorithms,
protocols and systems. His pioneering use of Java for distributed systems appears in 2 books and CDROMs. Nemo has published numerous scientific papers
and presents at academic and trade conferences.
Nemo obtained his Ph.D. at Columbia University,
where he won the Eliah I. Jury Award for his dissertation. He
received his MEng in Electrical Engineering and a BEng with Honors in
Electrical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics, both from McGill
Cahill leads software and service sales and
business development efforts company-wide. Prior to this role, as Vice
President of Business Development for Invisible Hand Services
(a.k.a. StreamingHand), he was responsible for the development and
ongoing success of a data hosting and content delivery service
business built on the foundation of Invisible Hand's Merkato
Cahill has more than 10 years of technology sales, marketing and general
management experience. Prior to joining Invisible Hand, Cahill served as
Regional Sales Director for Sandpiper Networks, a leader in content and edge
delivery networks. In addition, he was a founding member of the northeast's
largest Internet access provider. "TIAC" which ultimately serviced over 75,000
customers in 9 states. Serving as Vice President of Sales for this company
over a five-year period, he was responsible for the development and
implementation of a sales strategy and resultant infrastructure for company's
product line of high-speed Internet access services. He has also worked to
introduce such IP based communications services as BLEC services, web based EDI
solutions and Point of Purchase information technologies.
Cahill holds a BA
from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
Joe defines strategy for service implementation and customer relationship
management. His Internet Service Provider background helps Invisible Hand
provide superior customer service in its ISP capacity as well as with support
for ISPs that license Merkato.
Joe has been building network operations and customer service
organizations for over a decade. Prior to joining Invisible Hand
Networks, he was Director of Operations for Genuity's managed firewall
service. Joe also implemented Genuity's "Net.Alliance" partnership
program which enhanced operational coordination between Genuity and
its international partners.
Joe holds a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Massachusetts
and a Graduate Certificate in Information Resource Management from Northeastern
Giovanna, co-founder of Invisible Hand Networks, is responsible for
the development, maintenance and support of the proprietary software
at the core of the Merkato platform.
Previously she worked as a software architect of digital video
editing systems for Montage Inc. (acquired by Pinnacle). At Montage
she worked in newsroom automation, user interfaces, multi-channel
broadcasting, facilities control and system monitoring. Her most
recent project was a distributed real time video editing system for
Measat, a multi-channel digital video broadcast system in
Malaysia. Prior to Montage, she developed software for interactive
multimedia games at Mpen Inc., and also for a biomedical signal
processing research project at Cyberlogic, Inc.
Giovanna received her MS in Computer Science specializing in
Cryptography from Columbia University and her laurea in Computer
Science from University of Salerno, Italy.
Fady leads the development, maintenance and support of the systems
software that frames the Merkato platform.
Fady brings years of experience in systems software development.
Prior to joining Invisible Hand Networks, he worked at Hutchison
Avenue Software Corporation (acquired by Intuit), where he designed
and developed custom applications for clients such as Intuit and Bell
Canada. Previously, at Bell Northern Research Ltd., he developed
telecommunication infrastructure software for Consumer Speech Services
and for the AccessNode service provisioning element. Prior to BNR,
Fady worked as a digital signal processing software developer at
Thought Technology Ltd.
Fady holds a BSc in Computer Science (Honours) and a BEng in
Electrical Engineering, both from McGill University.
Justin Biegel is the Director of Business Development at Invisible Hand Networks, and leads sales, business development, and product management for the company's Liquid Bandwidth Exchange (LBX) service and software licensing. Justin joined the company as an Account Executive in March of 2005, and was appointed Director of Business Development in the summer of 2005.
In addition to working as the Director of Business Development, Justin is studying economics at the University of Maryland and researching the IP bandwidth market and telecommunications policy at the Center for Electronic Markets and Enterprises at the Robert H. Smith School of Business.